
With our dedicated support team, we are here for you to solve your product & service related problems. Our support team is ready to help you anywhere, anytime.

Q.How secure is the personal data and email address I give you?

We take date security extremely seriously and handle your data with the same care and consideration you'd want us to.

We despise being spammed by unwanted emails so have no intention of doing the same to you.

All of this is kept in our secure database and never shared with third parties. Full details of what we collect, how and what for are covered in our Privacy Policy.

We only ask for the minimum information we consider necessary to provide the best experience. It is our responsibility to keep your data safe and confidential.

Backup and restoration of data to cloud:

To use our cloud and other features (such as the cloud backup for your shifts), you will need to provide your email address which is used as a unique username for your account. This is paired with a password that you choose to make sure your account and data stay secure. Never tell anyone your password!

Your backups are stored in our secure cloud system against your account so can't be accessed by anyone but you (using your registered email and password). We monitor all activity too, so if we spot anything suspicious we can deal with it quickly.

Synchronization of data for web view:

Apart from that, we save the data that you have provided us for synchronization purposes. By synchronization we mean, transferring of your data from mobile device to cloud server, so you can view your data on the web portal.

Measures we take to ensure application’s data security:

• MyShiftWork app is hosted on a dedicated server and data is maintained on separate database to enhance performance and security.

  • Data in-transmit is encrypted using SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Data at rest is encrypted using Transparent Data Encryption on SQL Server Databases.
  • Web Access Firewall (WAF) is used to protect any unwanted intrusion.

If you have any questions about data security please email our support team who'll be happy to answer them for you: